Quasimoto - The Unseen - 2000
Quasimoto - The Unseen (Instrumentals) - 2000
Quasimoto - The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas - 2005
so here is some of madlibs side projects. if you know madlib then you will know Quasimoto. the production of "the unseen" album is pretty top knotch. madlibs digs deap with this album. TONS of old jaszz samples and obscure weed refrences sampled in. some people might be thrown off with quasimotos high pitch voice. i personally like it! its a nice contrast to madlibs voice. lotsa times ill be listenin to Quasimoto albums and forget its the same person. one of the best party about these albums is that madlib makes a cohisive full album. its flows pretty well. the only problem i would have would be "the further adventures of lord quas" is a bit to avant gard and really spacey. now thats not a bad thing i juss think sometimes its a bit over done. its kinda like when he did the "Jay lib" album with Dilla. the tracks were solid, but he was really using tose weird obsure samples and smokin insane amounts of weed i would suppose! so i gunna drop "the unseen" album along with the instrumental album as i nce bonus. the instrumental album is some of madlibs best work so i woould advise grabbin that too, the two go well togther. the second is "the further adventures of lord quas" ive listenied to this album plenty of times, but to be honest im not that familiar with it compared to his 1st album. anyways here 3 solid weed smoking albums.
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