So as i type this im in the middle of listening to this gem. I remember almost 15 years ago my close friend justin introduced me to this tape. This was when Rem was gettin REALLY big. i was young and didnt mind rem, mainly cause they were on the radio and i didnt really know much better. BUT! this tape always stuck out to me! i dunno if justin hs any idea on the impact that he did when he got me to listen to this. cause after it was done i imeditly rewound the tape and played it from front to back again. I musta listened to this 5 times in a row. Before he left i had to have this tape. he wasnt gunna let me borrow it so i remember looking for a blank tape but couldnt find any. so i juss hit up my dads tapes. remeber on non recorable tapes you could by-pass that and record on them if you juss put 2 small pieces of tape and coverd the corners? so i did that to a travelling willburrys tape im pretty sure! this album is short but all that sweet! i hope ya enjoy this one!
A1 Wolves, Lower 4:08
A2 Gardening At Night 4:33
A3 Carnival of Sorts (Boxcars) 3:51
B1 1,000,000 3:04
B2 Stumble 5:39
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