Thursday, February 11, 2010

lame accusations

so i usally never write about my personal day on this blog. but i figured id share this. so the other day i was @ the radio station gettin music for a jazz show that i was fillin in for. i was there for about a hour and a half, juss diggin through their jazz records and seein what was there. everything seemed fine. So one of the station managers comes in and we start chatting. he asks me what im werkin on. I tell him im juss gettin shit for the show tommorow. i show him this nice David Axelrod album that i found. i tell him im for sure gunna play a few tracks from it. so the hour or so goes by and i get most of the tracks i was plannin to get. so when im puttin back the cds, i put the cds that i wasnt gunna use back where i found them. the others i juss puty back in the jazz section, but i knew i was gunna be running late so i put them in a spot where i could easily find them (still in the jazz section) so i leave and thinks thats that. i get home and get this email
Hi  Escoe
The David Axelrod CD that you had in your hands a few minutes ago is now gone from the station. It needs to be returned to me immediately.

The disappearance of several cds during your brief time as a volunteer here has been conspicuous. While I cannot be sure that you are responsible for the loss of the albums by Gil Scott Heron, The Sojourners, and Daptone Gold, the similar nature of all of those albums and the time-frame in which they've been taken makes it a pretty easy assumption to make.

It is a rare thing for CDs to disappear from the station. Our volunteers understand that the libraries here are a shared resource, a resource to be shared between all of our programmers and, by extension, our listeners. Removing CDs from our library defeats a large part of the purpose of this radio station. It's especially lousy for me - I love getting those CDs in, and have to work hard to convince labels like Daptone that it is worth it for them to send me their music.

Anyhow, please return the David Axelrod cd to me immediately, along with any other CDs that you have taken from the station. At that point, we can discuss your continued role as a volunteer at the station.

name withheld

so when i read this @ first i was in shock! then i started to get pretty pissed. and i usally NEVER get mad. try and let shit slide. so i was gunna juss write him a reply, but figured that wasnt get my point across. so i call the station up and see if he was still there. turns out he still was. i get him on the phone and ask him why hes accuseing me of stealing. i told him that david axelrod cd and the other shit i had was STILL there! i got him to go look for himself. told him right where they were. i was pretty pissed and told him its a pretty shitty feeling being accused of stealing shit that i had NO PART OF! juss cause i got a ear for thoses albums doesnt mean im gunna steal them. fuck i could juss grab em from another blog in the time it takes me to rip the cds! so i saw dude yesterday @ the station and he didnt say shit to me. i hope he felt bad. i dont ever really get like that but, what a way  to make a bad 1st impression!  now i feel like im walking on egg shells there for something i never did. its a shitty feeling, but i guess shit happens.
the point of this rant is, DONT FUCKIN STEAL CDS FROM RADIO STATIONS! or people like me take the hit!

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